
The Power of Inclusive Design in Websites

house QastVue Labs Dec 13, 2023

Ever thought about how some websites are super easy to use for everyone? That magic comes from something called "inclusive design." Let's explore how you can make your website a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of how they browse the internet.

What's Inclusive Design?

Inclusive design is like throwing a party and making sure everyone is invited, no matter their abilities. For websites, it means creating a space where everyone, including people with disabilities, can easily access and enjoy the content.

Why Inclusive Design Matters

Everyone Can Join the Party: Inclusive design ensures that everyone, regardless of abilities, can use and understand your website. It's like making sure everyone can dance at the party.

Better for Everyone: The cool thing is, when you design for inclusivity, it benefits everyone. It's like having ramps instead of stairs---useful for people with strollers, too.

Google Likes It: Google loves websites that are friendly to everyone. So, when your site is inclusive, it scores higher with Google and gets shown to more people.

Tips for Making Your Website Inclusive

  1. Use Descriptive Images: Describe your images with words so that people using screen readers know what's in the pictures.

  2. Clear and Simple Language: Write like you're explaining things to a friend, making your content easy for everyone to understand.

  3. Clickable Buttons: Make sure your buttons and links are easy to click. It's like making big, friendly signs at your party.

  4. Video Subtitles: Add subtitles to your videos so that everyone, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing, can follow along.


Creating an inclusive website is like throwing a fantastic party where everyone feels welcome. It's about making sure everyone, regardless of abilities, can join in the fun. So, as you design your online space, remember: inclusivity is the key to a website that opens its doors to everyone.